The Enormous Cost of Physical Inactivity on the Mind, Body & Bottom Line.

A sedentary workforce is an expensive one.

Up to 22% of employers’ medical spend is attributed to physical inactivity, and half of all musculoskeletal conditions are the result of lack of exercise. At least $117 billion is spent annually in the U.S. to treat people with health issues tied to sedentary lifestyles, including back and joint pain, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and numerous other chronic conditions.

The problem is only 1 in 4 U.S. adults meets the CDC’s guidelines for physical activity—and 25% of Americans get no exercise at all. As a result, there are people in your employee population right now who are sicker than they need to be, more prone to injury and pain, and paying more than necessary for healthcare. That’s costing you 
and them.

As a benefits leader, encouraging movement and health should be one of your top priorities.

Download the White Paper to Discover:

  • The enormous risks of physical inactivity
  • The many science-backed benefits of regular exercise
  • The high cost of treating sedentary people
  • Why current fitness offerings don’t work
  • How a digital health solution that is revolutionizing exercise for the modern workforce can help overcome these shortcomings and get your people moving to achieve optimal health

Get the white paper and begin the journey to a healthier workforce.